Moving is difficult – and this was a year were we moved to a new building. Leaving behind the past, what we knew and in turn discovering new things. We – students and staff alike – have found potential creativity in previously unknown situations.
This cohort of Masters in Design (MA), have been an influential year in the development of debates around emerging issues in contemporary design.
As a group they have investigated emerging design concepts, the list includes amongst others methodological positioning through Meta-Design, social definitions through Relational Design, Service Design and Socially Responsive Design (SRVD) have been vehicles for debates around ethical responsibility. On top of this our MA Designers have had to continue developing the ever expanding series of practical skills; ranging from form giving, to programming to presentation skills etc. which are forever challenging designers as they enter upon, and develop their professional practice.
For many of these students, the MA has been a place to discover the possibilities that the future can offer them. How they develop, will be based on the knowledge and experiences they have gained here. I hope they take with them the belief that designing is ultimately and act of optimism.
We, in that spirit, wish them a successful future!